Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mechtechs Colorists

The next phase for MechTech was to choose among the colorist aspirants who will be fit to render the teasers, promotional materials and comicbook series. Announcements and invites were sent once again to the Manila Studio artists to create their own interpretation of MechTechs colors following the color guide provided by Creative Director Scott Ownbey. Big props to Neil Cervantes, Malaya De Guzman, Samuel Donato, Mark “Mok” Vivas, Sandeson Gonzaga, Mark Anthony Taduran, Christian Dave Gonzales, Giovanni Tengco & Timothy Terrenal for all their creative masterpieces.

Based on the guide, Scott’s idea was to render an overall look which offers a low-tech industrial look with lots of rich earth sepia tones and dramatic use of cool colors that will predominate the look in the visual development of the comicbook.

After another tough analysis of all the submissions, Scott finally selected the best of the best to render the MechTech comicbook. Amongst the aspirants, 2 Marks became Scott’s favorite: Mark Anthony Taduran was chosen to be the head colorist and Mark “Mok” Vivas to be his assistant.

So stay tuned for updates on Artist-Cam sessions and watch our artists draw in real time as we field questions for the artists.

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